10 Courses
Year 3
- Recall Descriptive statistics
o (Observation, Visual display, Measure of central tendencies and dispersion)
- Sampling techniques
o (Sampling plan, sampling methods)
- Sample comparison
o (Simple parametric and non-parametric tests; T-test and Wilcoxon tests)
o Comparing two small samples
o Comparing two large samples
o Comparing more than two samples
§ One-way analysis of variance
· Equals and unequal sample sizes
o Duncan’s multiple range test
o Bartlett’s test
§ Two way analysis of variance
· With and without replication)
- Regression and Correlation
o Regression analysis
o Correlation analysis
- Multiple regression
- Multiple correlation ( Partial Correlation)
- Robust procedures
- Practical lessons using SPSS, R and a Programming Language
1) Statistic and Computing: Introductory Statistics with R by Peter Dalgaard, 202
2) Applied Statistics with Microsoft Excel; Gerald Keller, 2001
3) Statistics, Data Analysis and Decision Modelling; Lames Evans & David Olson, 2000
4) Introduction to Statistics, 3rd edition; Ronalds E Walpole, 1982